
Add Aangilam on Your iOS Homescreen

Did you know you can put AANGILAM on your iOS (iPhone, iPad, and Androids) home screen?

If you are one of our regular visitors of Aangilam, if you type the Aangilam's URL each time you want to visit, you have an option to add this site, creating one-tap shortcuts to your home screen. It works on the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and other android devices as well. Here is the step by step guidance. It's really easy. 

How to do that on your mobile devices?
  • 1. Open up Safari browser on your iOS and type the URL
  • 2. On the right side of the screen (In some devices, at the bottom of the screen), you can see the option bar, which looks like three dots. Tap on it, then a pop up menu will appear.
  • 3. In the menu, find the “Add to Home screen” option, and tap on it. And then the "Add to Home screen" window-box will pop up.
  • 4. Now, you'll be asked to choose a name for the home-screen icon, then you can type the name AANGILAM and click Add.
That's it!

The AANGILAM site will be an apps like other apps on your iOS's home screen.

Note: As of today we neither create nor publish any apps for Aangilam. This is just an instruction of how to add Aangilam on your mobile device home screen.


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